Additional stakeout deltas to a surface

Stakeout typically provides horizontal navigation and cut/fill relative to the road or string you are staking.

In addition you can display cut/fill to a selected surface. The surface can be a topographical surface, or it can be any surface in a BIM file.

  1. Transfer a surface file to the appropriate project folder on the controller.
  2. Make sure the file containing the surface is visible and selectable in the map.

    When staking a topographical surface, your current position, elevation of your current position, the surface elevation, and the distance above (cut) or below (fill) the surface appear in the map screen.

  3. In the map, tap the road or string and then tap Stakeout.
  4. Enable the Cut/Fill to surface switch.
    1. In the Surface field, select the surface file from the current project folder. Alternatively, in the map select surfaces from BIM files. The Surface field indicates the number of surfaces you have selected in the map.

      If you cannot select surfaces in the map, make sure the BIM file is set to selectable in the Layer manager. If the Selection mode button on the BIM toolbar is button is yellow , tap it and select Surface selection - Individual faces mode.

      You can select Surface selection - Whole object mode, but when using Whole object mode the software selects both the top and bottom surface and calculates the cut/fill to whichever surface you are closest to.

    2. If required, in the Offset to surface field, specify an offset to the surface. Tap to select whether the offset is to be applied vertical or perpendicular to the surface. 

    3. To show the distance to the surface in the stakeout navigation screen, tap Options. In the Deltas group box, tap Edit and select the V. Dist surface or the Perp. Dist to surface delta. Tap Accept.

  5. Stake out the road as usual.

    When staking To the primary string, To the road, or To the string, the cut/fill is to the surface at your current position. When staking To a station on a string, the cut/fill displayed is the cut/fill to the surface at the selected station (including when using construction offsets).

    When viewing the cross section, the surface is displayed at your current position as a green line. A circle on the surface indicates your position projected vertically to the surface. If the BIM model selection mode is Surface selection - Whole object, the cross section displays both the top and bottom surface. A circle on the surface indicates your position projected vertically to the surface.


  • To check layer thickness when constructing a road, define a surface for the previous layer and then when staking out the current layer, tap Options and in the Deltas group box, tap Edit and select the V.Dist surface delta.

  • To change the selected surface, tap Esc to return to the stakeout selection screen and select a different surface file. To select a different surface from the map, double-tap in the map to clear the current selection and then select the new surface.