Data folders and files
All data used by the Origin software must be stored in the appropriate folder in the Spectra Geospatial Data folder.
The location of the folder depends on the controller operating system:
- Windows: C:\ProgramData\Spectra Geospatial Data
- Android: <Device name>\Spectra Geospatial Data
To view the Spectra Geospatial Data folder from the Origin software, tap and select Job data / File Explorer.
- If you cannot see the Spectra Geospatial Data folder on an Android device, in File Explorer tap and select [Show internal storage]. Then in File Explorer tap and select the device name. The Spectra Geospatial Data folder appears in the list of folders on the device.
- To see the System Files folder on a Windows device, select View at the top of the File Explorer window and select the Hidden items check box.
- The Projects folder is created in the Spectra Geospatial Data folder the first time you run the Origin application.
To pin the Spectra Geospatial Data folder to your Favorites list in Windows Explorer, select File explorer from the Job data menu in Origin. In Windows Explorer, scroll up to the Favorites list at the top of the left pane. Right click Favorites and select Add current location to Favorites.
Each project is stored in its own folder in the Spectra Geospatial Data\Projects folder.
Project files are stored in the appropriate <project> folder and can be used by any job in that project.
Project files are typically map files, alignments, or control point files. The following file types are stored in the <project> folder:
File type | File extension |
Job | .job |
JobXML | .jxl |
CSV (comma delimited) | .csv |
TXT (comma delimited) | .txt |
DTM (Digital Terrain Model) | .dtm |
TTM (Triangulated Terrain Model) | .ttm |
IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) | .ifc, ifczip |
TAP (Trimble Additional Properties)* (For IFC file of same name when station interval settings are configured) |
.tap |
TrimBIM (Trimble BIM) | .trb |
DWG (Drawing) | .dwg |
NWD (NavisWorks Drawing) | .nwd |
DXF (Drawing Exchange Format) | .dxf |
ESRI Shapefiles | .shp |
Georeferenced map file world files | .dwgw, .dxfw, .icw, .ifcw, .tbw, .trbw, .wld |
Georeferenced background images | .tif, .bmp, .jpg, .png |
Georeferenced background image world files | .bmpw, .bpw, .jgw, .jpegw, .jpgw, .pgw, .pngw, .tfw, .wld |
RXL (Trimble Road or alignment) | .rxl |
LandXML | .xml |
GENIO road | .crd .inp .mos |
12d Model files | .12da |
- Where possible, Spectra Geospatial recommends using the job (.job) file created in Origin in preference to the equivalent JobXML or JXL (.jxl) file created in Survey Office. For more information, see Using existing jobs with the latest version of Origin.
- All .xml files except the GNSSCorrectionSource.xml and GNSSInternetSource.xml are stored in the <project> folder. The GNSSCorrectionSource.xml and GNSSInternetSource.xml files must be stored in the System Files folder.
- Georeferenced map file world files are created when you use the Georeference map Cogo function in Origin and contain information about the transformation.
- Georeferenced background image files cannot be created in Origin. GeoTIFF files do not require a world file. JPG files must be in 24-bit color; pure grayscale JPG files are not supported.
- Htm reports (.htm) and comma delimited files (.csv) that are created when you export data using the Export function in the Jobs screen are also stored in the <project> folder, unless you select a different export folder.
- The .wfs Files folder appears in the <project> folder when you connect to a web feature service and then save the features as a .wfs file.
- A TAP file appears in the <project> folder when you configure station interval settings for an IFC file. For more information, see Stations available for stakeout.
Each job is stored as a .job file in the appropriate <project> folder.
If required, you can store jobs in folders in the <project> folder. For Origin to be able to use the job, the combined length of the project folder name and folder names must not exceed 100 characters. The name of the job is not included in the 100-character limit.
To move a job to a different folder, use the Copy job function in Origin to copy the job and all linked files to the new folder and then delete the original job. See To copy job files.
To avoid data synchronization issues, do not move jobs downloaded from Trimble Connect to a different folder.
Each job has a <job name> Files folder which contains files such as image or GNSS data files that are created as work is done on the job.
Files created while working in the job are stored in the <job name> Files folder. These include images, point clouds, and GNSS data files:
File type | File extension | Subfolder |
GNSS data | .t01, .t02, .t04 | |
Images | .jpg | |
Original images | .jpg | <project>\<job name> Files\Original Files |
Auto‑generated folders are created as required, inside the <job name> Files folder:
- <project>\<job name> Files\Original Files is created when you draw on or annotate an image file. The original, unedited image is copied to the Original Files folder.
To easily copy jobs and associated files from one folder to another, or from one controller to another using an external drive such as a USB drive, tap Copy in the Jobs screen.
All system type files are stored in the Spectra Geospatial Data\System Files folder. System files are files that can be used by any project or job, such as survey styles, coordinate system files, and feature library files.
System files cannot be accessed if they reside in another folder.
The following files must be stored in the System Files folder:
File type | File extension |
Feature Library files (TBC) | .fxl |
Survey Style files | .sty |
Geoid Grid files | .ggf |
Combined Datum Grid files | .cdg |
Configuration | .cfg |
Projection grid files | .pjg |
Shift grid files | .sgf |
SnakeGrid coordinate system files | .dat |
UK National Grid files | .pgf |
Broadcast RTCM transformation files | .rtd |
Antenna files | .ini |
GNSSCorrectionSource file | .xml |
GNSSInternetSource file | .xml |
Cadastral tolerances file | .xml |
Custom Import file definitions | .ixl |
XSLT Custom Export Stylesheet files | .xsl |
XLST Custom Stakeout Stylesheet files | .sss |
Measure Codes Database files | .mcd |
Coordinate System Database files | .csd |
Web map service configuration file | .wms |
Web map tile service configuration file | .wmts |
Echo sounder definition file | .esd |
Utility locator definition file | .uld |
Web map service (.wms) and web map tile service (.wmts) files are created when a WMS or WMTS is added in the New web map screen. They can be copied between projects and controllers.
The Cache folder appears in the System files folder when DWG, IFC, or NWD files are loaded in Origin. Caching DWG, IFC, and NWD files on the controller enables faster reloading of these files.
Stakeout stylesheet files (.sss) and Custom Export stylesheet files (.xsl) can be located in the language folder or System Files. Translated Stakeout stylesheet files and translated Custom Export stylesheet files are typically stored in the appropriate language folder.
Language files (.lng), sound files (.wav) and help files are stored in the appropriate language folder.
The location of the folder depends on the controller operating system:
- Windows: C:\Program Files\Spectra Geospatial\General Survey\Languages\<language>
- Android: <Device name>\Spectra Geospatial Data\Languages\<language>