Using existing jobs with the latest version of Origin
You can open .job (JOB) files created using a recent previous version of Origin with the latest version of the software. Origin automatically converts the job to the current version of the software.
Jobs upgraded to the latest version of Origin cannot be used with previous versions of the software. Spectra Geospatial recommends keeping a backup copy of the previous version of the job if some controllers in your organization are still using a previous version of Origin.
Use .job files in preference to .jxl files
It is possible to open .jxl (JXL or JobXML) files in Origin, however Spectra Geospatial recommends using the equivalent .job file in preference to the .jxl file if it is available.
JXL files are created by exporting the job files as a JXL file from Origin, or by importing a JOB file to Survey Office. A JXL file is an XML representation of the .job file.
While Origin can create a new .job file from a .jxl file, it does not recreate the original job. When Origin creates a job from a JXL file, it reads only the <Reductions> section of the XML file. The <Reductions> section of the file contains only point records, which means a .job file created from a .jxl file contains only keyed in points. If you have the original .job file and you upgrade it to the newest version of Origin then the raw data is retained — you will see any feature coded linework, and you are able to edit data as you can in the original job, for example you can edit antenna or target heights, and you can add a calibration point to a site calibration.