
New features

Auto increment station during stakeout

When staking stations using the Station on string or Skew offset methods, the new Auto increment setting enables you to automate the selection of the next (or previous) station for a more streamlined stakeout workflow.

To enable Auto increment, select the stakeout method and then tap next to the Station field in the Stakeout screen to open the Select station screen and then select Sta+ or Sta- in the Auto increment field. To be able to manually select the required station in the navigation screen, select No in the Auto increment field.

Station interval settings configured in the Select station screen are written to the road file so that the same settings are used if the file is shared with other survey crews.

For more information, see the topic Stations available for stakeout in the Spectra Geospatial Origin Help.

Two polylines stakeout method

You can now stake out two polylines where features defining a road are represented by polylines but there is no road alignment available. When staking out using the Two polylines method the software reports your position relative to the polylines you selected.


Side slope staking

We have made improvements to workflows when staking a side slope, including:

  • When adding or editing a side slope at stakeout, the Slope to next string and Slope to previous string options are now always available, where appropriate, when defining the cut and fill slopes.

  • The H.Dist to hinge point delta at the navigation screen now displays a valid value. Previously it always displayed Null.

  • Now after staking a side slope with the V.Dist to hinge point delta displayed, if you select another string at the same station that is not a side slope the V.Dist to hinge point delta displays Null rather than the previous V.Dist to hinge point delta value.

Vertical construction offsets

Now, when the stake method is To the road or, for 12da files, Two strings, and a vertical construction offset has been applied (either vertical or perpendicular), a dashed black line is drawn at the offset value from the road surface.

Relative to DTM offset

Now, when staking a road relative to a DTM and a vertical offset has been applied (either vertical or perpendicular), a dashed green line is drawn at the offset value from the DTM.

Station selection

We have streamlined the workflow when selecting a station from the list during stakeout by removing the Edit softkey. Tap next to the Station field in the Stakeout screen to open the Select station screen to select the station or to modify the station settings.

Station Method

The station Method, 0-based or Relative, is now written to the road file. This ensures that the same method is used if the file is shared with other survey crews.

Consistent station abbreviations for start and end station

Origin now uses S to denote the Start station and E to denote the End station for roads so that the same abbreviations are used for lines, polylines, arcs, alignments and roads throughout the software. In previous versions the abbreviations used to denote the start and end station for a road were RS and RE.

Autodesk Civil 3D LandXML files with multiple roads

To create an Autodesk Civil 3D LandXML file that contains multiple roads, it is important that a site is created for each alignment along with the feature lines associated with that alignment. This enables Origin to correctly form each road using the appropriate feature lines. For more information on creating sites, refer to the Autodesk Civil 3D help.

For files that include multiple roads and have not been created from sites Origin now prevents the file being imported and refers the user to the appropriate help topic. Previously the file was imported but may not have always correctly formed each road.

For more information, see the topic To export LandXML string roads from Autodesk Civil 3D in the Spectra Geospatial Origin Help.

Review road

When you tap and hold in the map, the software now displays the graphical Review screen, which is consistent with when you tap the Review softkey.

12da stake methods

We have removed the Nearest string stake method for 12da roads because it is not applicable to a 12da road which is defined by a master alignment only.

Feedback from users was that including the Nearest string method was confusing because it suggested that polylines in the 12da file could be staked using this method. This is not the case – polylines can only be staked using the One string or Two strings methods.

Resolved issues

  • Stakeout deltas: You can now display the H.Dist to hinge point and the V.Dist to hinge point deltas when staking a side slope using the To the string method.
  • Add side slope during stakeout: To prevent an invalid side slope being created, now when adding a side slope during stakeout the software will not accept a value of null in both the Cut slope and Fill slope fields.

  • Station interval settings: We have improved the handling of long roads that have a small station interval. Now the software will prevent you continuing to stakeout until you have specified an interval suitable for the length of the road.

  • Station list: You can now select the first station in the list by tapping it. Previously you could only select it by tapping Accept or pressing the Enter key.

  • Additional point selection: We have resolved an issue where the Select softkey was no longer available and was replaced by the Cross slope softkey once you had selected an additional point. Now both the Select softkey and the Cross slope softkey are available.

  • Construction offsets: When staking a road defined by only a horizontal alignment, the dashed green linework representing the construction offsets is now drawn correctly. Previously it was drawn incorrectly, but this was a display issue only — the target and navigation deltas were correct.

  • Skew offset: After staking a station on a string where the selected string is not the alignment, if you change the stake method to Skew offset and tap the Sta+/Sta- softkey, the target now moves to the correct station on the alignment string. Previously the target moved to the station on the previously staked string.

  • Staking to a DTM: When staking relative to a DTM with a Perp. Dist to DTM delta you will no longer see an obviously erroneous delta value when reviewing the job. This was only an issue when your measured position was a long distance from the DTM.

  • LandXML conversion to RXL: We have reinstated the workflow where you are required to save a LandXML road as an RXL road if you wish to edit the road. The workflow is accessed from the Define menu.

  • LandXML string roads: We have fixed several issues with LandXML string roads, including:

    • You could not select a string when editing a LandXML string road.

    • You could not set a LandXML string road to not visible in the Layer manager if the file included one or more surfaces.

  • LandXML filter alignments by name: We have fixed the workflow that enables you to filter alignments by name match when staking out a LandXML road from the menu.

  • GENIO road station symbols: We have fixed an issue where, after staking an RXL road with the Available stations set to Horizontal curve, there were no station symbols displayed in the map for a GENIO road.

  • Application errors: We have fixed several issues that caused occasional application errors when using or closing the software. In particular:

    • During stakeout the software would sometimes show an application error "HOOPS Error: Requested shell has non-usable values" and shut down.

    • When editing a LandXML string road where the road was set to not visible in the Layer manager and you then tapped the Strings option and tapped Accept.

    • When editing a LandXML string road and then de-selecting the road using the tap and hold menu.

    • When using a 12da file where the horizontal alignment is defined only by a transition.