Review the road design

You can review the road design at any time. From the road review screen you can also use the automated 3D drive feature. The 3D drive enables you to view the road in 3D to confirm the road definition and to visualize the road relative to other road definitions, such as a complex interchange or urban intersection.

To review the road in a road design file:

  1. In the map, tap the road to select it.
  2. Tap Review. The road is shown in the map.

    Black hollow circles represent any portion of the horizontal alignment that has no elevations and so is drawn on the ground plane.

    To move the ground plane closer to the road, tap and select Settings and then edit the ground plane elevation.

    Black solid circles represent the positions on the strings at each cross section.

    Gray lines represent the strings and connect the cross sections.

    To understand the rules for connecting cross sections in an RXL road, see Template positioning examples and Non tangent horizontal alignment elements.

  3. Tap a string or a station on a string.

    Alternatively, tap the String softkey to select a string from the list. The list shows only the strings that are at the start station or, if you have a position, the strings at the cross section at your current position. When a string is selected, tap the Station softkey to select a station from the list.

    Information about the selected item is shown alongside the map.

  4. To select a different station or string, you can:
    • Tap the station on a string.
    • Tap the Station or String softkey to select a station or string from a list.
    • Press the up or down arrow key to select another station, or press the left or right arrow key to select another string.
    • Tap the Sta‑ or Sta+ softkey.

    Use the map toolbar to navigate around the map and to change between views.

  5. To view available cross sections, tap . Alternatively, assign the Toggle Plan / Cross section function to a function key on the controller so that you can switch between the plan and cross section views when reviewing and staking a road. For more information, see Favorite screens and functions.

    By default, each cross section is displayed so that it fills the screen, providing the best view of the cross section. To view cross sections relative to each other, tap the Fixed scale button so that it changes to . Each cross section is displayed with the scale fixed so that the widest cross section fills the screen.

    The alignment is shown as a red cross. The black circles represent the strings. The larger blue circle represents the currently selected string. The linework preceding the selected string is shown as a bold blue line. Information about the selected item is shown alongside the map.

    To view the cross section at a different station, you can:

    • Press the up or down arrow key.
    • Tap Station to key in a station or to select a station from the list.

    To select a different string, you can:

    • Tap the string.
    • Press the left or right arrow key.
    • Tap String to select a string from the list.
  6. To return to the map, tap or press the Tab key.
  7. To view an automated 3D drive through of the road:
    1. In the road review screen, tap 3D drive.
    2. Tap to start the drive through.
    3. To pause the drive through and inspect a particular part of the road, tap . To orbit the road while the drive through is paused, tap the screen and swipe in the direction to orbit.
    4. To move forward and back along the road, press the up and down arrow keys.
    5. To exit 3D drive, tap Close.
  8. To exit the road review, tap Close.

When reviewing an RXL road:

  • To review a position defined by a nominal station value, where the station does not have to coincide with a cross section, from the plan or cross section view tap Station and then key in a station value.
  • To review a position defined by a nominal offset value, where the offset does not have to lie on a string, tap String and then key in an offset. The offset is computed from the alignment. The elevation for the resultant position is defined by interpolation of the cross section at the entered station and offset.