Reviewing custom property sets

You can use Trimble Connect to create custom property sets for items in a BIM model that can be updated in the field using Origin.

If you have a Trimble Connect Business Premium license, you can create custom property sets and assign them to any model element in Trimble Connect, without having to access the original authoring tool used to create the BIM model. A Trimble Connect Business Premium license is not required to view or edit custom property sets in Origin.

Because the value of a custom property set can be updated in Origin, custom property sets are a useful way to add properties to the model that inform the office something has changed in the field.

For example, after staking a BIM object, you could update the property set for each part of the model to change the As-built custom property set value from False to True, which allows the team in the office to track the progress of the build as parts of the as-built structure are staked in the field.

Custom property sets can only be edited when Origin is connected to the internet. Changes to custom property sets are synchronized to the model in the cloud in real time.

For more information on setting up custom property set libraries and assigning custom property sets to BIM models in Trimble Connect, see Property Set Libraries and Using Property Sets in 3D in the Trimble Connect Workflow Extensions User Guide.

To review custom property sets for a BIM model in Origin

  1. In Origin, tap on the BIM toolbar to download custom property sets applied to the BIM models shown in the map.

  2. To review information for an item in the BIM model, select the item in the map and then tap Review.

  3. If you selected more than one item, select it from the list and tap Details.

  4. Review the properties of the selected item. Properties in the BIM model file are read-only, but properties in custom property sets are editable. Editable properties are indicated by .

  5. For custom property sets, select the new value as required.

  6. Tap Accept.

    Custom property sets can only be edited when Origin is connected to the internet. Changes to custom property sets are synchronized to the model in the cloud in real time.

Properties in custom property sets that have been added to the BIM model in Trimble Connect can be edited only in the Review screen. When you use an item from a BIM model in the Origin software, for example in a Cogo calculation, during stakeout, or to create a point in the job, Origin copies the custom property sets of the item and stores them as read-only properties with the point or line in the Origin job. If you need to change the value of a custom property, edit the property value before using the item in the software.