Selecting from BIM models by Organizer group

If you have a Trimble Connect Business Premium license, you can use the Trimble Connect Organizer to organize items in one or more BIM models into groups, for example by project phase, object type or location (floors or sections).

Organizer groups that have been created in the Trimble Connect Organizer and saved as manual groups are available in Origin for BIM models downloaded from the cloud. Rule-based Organizer groups are not supported in Origin.

For more information on setting up groups, see Organizer in the Trimble Connect Workflow Extensions User Guide.

To select items in BIM models by Organizer group in Origin

  1. Tap Organizer on the BIM toolbar.

    The Organizer form appears alongside the map. It shows any manual groups created in the Trimble Connect Organizer that are relevant to the BIM models that are at least partially selectable in the map. Partially selectable means that at least one layer in the BIM model is set to selectable in the Layer manager.

  2. Tap the arrow next to a group name to view subgroups.

    The first number next to a group name shows the total number of items in a group. The second number shows the number of items in subgroups.

  3. Tap the name of a group or subgroup to select or deselect the group.

    A checkmark next to the group or subgroup name indicates items in the group are selected. Selected items are highlighted in the map:

    • Selecting more than one subgroup in the same group creates a combination so that items in any of the selected subgroups are selected in the map.

    • Selecting more than one group or subgroups in different groups creates an intersection so that only items that are in all of the selected groups or subgroups are selected in the map.

    A gray checkmark next to a group or subgroup name indicates that some items in the group cannot be selected because they appear in layers in the BIM model that are not selectable. If the name of a group or subgroup is gray then it references layers in the BIM model that are not selectable. You must set the layer to selectable in the Layer manager before you can select the group or subgroup in the Organizer form.

  4. To filter items in the map based on the selection in the Organizer form, tap the Show only or Hide button on the BIM toolbar. See Hiding and isolating items in BIM models.

  5. To close the Organizer form, tap Close.

    Existing map selections are cleared when you open or close the Organizer form, and when you enable or disable the BIM toolbar.