Internet Base Station Service (IBSS)

The Trimble IBSS service provides an easy way for you to stream RTK corrections over the internet from a base receiver you have set up to rover receivers. Once you have set up the GNSS receiver as a base station and chosen IBSS as your base data link, RTK corrections are automatically sent to any rover that is also using IBSS in the same Trimble Connect project. No separate configuration for the corrections server is needed.

You can set up multiple IBSS mountpoints in a project, one per base receiver. The base receiver can be in a permanent fixed position or it can be a temporary base that you set up each day. IBSS mountpoints exist until you delete them, regardless of whether a base is broadcasting corrections. This allows you to use the same mountpoint, day after day, even if you are shifting your base to different locations in the project.

As many rover receivers as required can use the RTK corrections provided by IBSS within the same Trimble Connect project.


  • To use IBSS in Origin, the IBSS mountpoint must be created in a project that resides in Trimble Connect. If your organization streams IBSS via Trimble Connected Community (TCC) or Works Manager, those IBSS mountpoints are not available in Origin.

  • If you are using a Spectra Geospatial GNSS receiver, only the SP100 GNSS receiver can be used as a rover or a base receiver with IBSS. SP60, SP80, SP85 and SP90m GNSS receivers can only be used as rover receivers with IBSS.